Carson. . .
Case Study submitted by
CARE Veterinary Center - Frederick, MD
Already we have treated multiple envenomation cases along with wound care. Most notably was Carson, a four-year-old Whippet who got into a dogfight with his housemate. He came to CARE for overnight monitoring where his wounds were cleaned, he was placed on antibiotics, and then transferred to our surgery department. There were multiple bite wounds and punctures around his neck and right elbow. The underside of his neck was swollen as well as his right ear. Radiographs also revealed concern for an esophageal tear/tracheal tear.
Following wound care, Carson underwent his first of three HBOT treatments to help expedite healing. He was hospitalized for overnight pain management and supportive care. There was a notable decrease in swelling and drainage after his second HBOT treatment. Carson was able to go home that day. He returned the next day for his third HBOT treatment. The veterinary specialists at CARE were extremely pleased with the decrease in swelling and Carson’s overall change in mood. He was much more alert, happy, and responsive compared to his first day.